Let's LEGO / Lego Work Exhibition & workshop at Pal city Kouto,Tokyo
Aug 2006
Exhibition & School at Pal city Kouto,Tokyo
From July 27 to Aug 26, 2006, My lego work exhibition & Workshop were held at Pal-city,Tokyo

Exhibited works
* Parent and child koalas
* Pestering kittens
* Fire Redra
* McDonald's Value set BigMac
Exhibited works : 4 / Exhibited photos : 6

VTR "Let's go to the Earth Park ! "

The Workshop details
Aug 26, 2006
We made spherical character the "Manmarl"
(using LEGO-bricks from the Blue Bucket [#7335])

*13:00 - 14:00 (The first 15 people)
*15:00 - 16:00 (The first 15 people)

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